"Wasserbourg (richard De) - First And Second Volume Of The Antiquities Of Belgian Gaul. 1549."
WASSERBOURG (Richard de) - First and second volume of the antiquities of Belgian Gaul, kingdom of France. Austasia & Lorraine. With the origin of the duchesses & counties, of ancient & modern Brabant, Togre, Haynau, Mozelane, Lotreich, Lorraine, Barrois, Luxembourg, Louvain, Vaudemont, Jainville, Namur, Chiny. And other principalities. Extracted under the lives of the bishops of Verdun, ancient city of said Gaul. Paris, Chez François Girault for Vincent Sertenas, 1549; small folio, VI-533 pp.-39ff., full calf binding of the time, spine with 6 ribs, title piece in red morocco, marbled edges, joints and headcaps restored. Numerous and beautiful vignettes. Elegant typography. Large woodcut representing Our Lady of Verdun (repeated on the frontispiece of each volume). It is mainly a history of the bishops of Verdun situated in the European context surrounding the diocese of Verdun. This text contains a large number of documents not found elsewhere. Many notices printed in the margins of the work. Beautiful work, but the title page of the first volume is missing and a notebook of the second volume is replaced by the handwritten text.