"Young Man In A Turban, Bronze Print After Van Rasbourgh And Rodin."
A magnificent patinated bronze bust of a young man with a turban and a branch of holly, an old posthumous cast after Van Rasbourgh and Rodin, "After training at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels with Louis Jéhotte, he began working in the studio of the Frenchman Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse who, to avoid inactivity during the Franco-German war, had temporarily settled in Brussels. Van Rasbourg participated in the major sculptural programs set up by the City of Brussels, such as the decoration of the Bourse and the Petit Sablon. When he returned to Paris, Carrière-Belleuse left him in charge of the Bourse project. Van Rasbourg quickly recalled Auguste Rodin, who had been dismissed by Carrière-Belleuse in May 1871. They became friends and associates. Their collaboration was concretized by collaborations at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, the Palace of Academies and the Mayor's Memorial from Antwerp, Jean Loos. Van Rasbourgh ended his life in France with his son Edmond." Source: participatory directory of Belgian bronzes and cast irons. Dimensions: Height: 61 cm