Nude from behind
Oil on wood panel
23.5x32 cm / 33x41.5 cm framed
Signed, located and dated lower right "Guillaume Dulac Paris 1921"
Born in 1883 in Fumel (Lot-et-Garonne), Guillaume Dulac studied at the Bordeaux School of Fine Arts before joining Leon Bonnat's studio at the Paris School of Fine Arts. He participated for the first time in the Salon des Indépendants in 1906 and subsequently exhibited at numerous salons, including the Salon d'Automne and that of the Société nationale des beaux-arts. He presented nudes, landscapes and still lifes there and distinguished himself in particular by his qualities as a colorist.
Wounded during WWI and discharged, he drowned in Paris in November 1929, at the opening of his third solo exhibition at the Druet gallery. The Salon d'Automne paid tribute to him the following year with a retrospective exhibition of his works. This panel is representative of his "female nudes lying on vibrant fabrics" painted "with color, but also feeling"[1] in tones of green, red and blue brushed obliquely with substance and vigor.
[1] Paul-Sentenac, "Carnet d'un curieux", La Renaissance, January 1, 1930, p. 47.