"“the Card Players” Oil On Wood In The Taste Of The 18th Century, Late 19th Century Period."
Beautiful oil painting on wood panel made in the 19th century in the taste of the 18th century. It is of very good quality, the composition is particularly well constructed, the scene is lively and cheerful, the characters discuss among themselves, look at each other, advise on the choice of card to put down. The details are very numerous, the clothes are treated in an extremely realistic way (folds of fabrics, lace, buttons, red soles of men's shoes). The faces of the young people are beautiful, it should also be noted that the decor of the scene has not been forgotten, details of the parquet floor, hanging, richly stocked library and painting in the painting ... Trace of signature in red at the bottom left. Please note: this oil on panel is in very good general condition. The frame is not the original one, it is almost a little too big (visible at the bottom of the painting). There is a small lack of paint at the level of the library. Please look carefully at the photos. Overall dimensions: Length: 49 cm Height: 41.5 cm Dimensions at sight: Length: 39 cm Height: 31.5 cm Shipping costs for France (by tracked Colissimo) are 15 euros, please contact us for all other destinations. We are at your disposal for any further information.