""don Quixote Of La Mancha" Translated From The Spanish Of Michel Cervantes By Florian 3 Vol 1802"
Beautiful complete set illustrated in three volumes in 16, from the Guilleminet Printing House in Paris, at Deterville, Bookseller, rue du Battoir, No. 16. Year X. -1802. Work in its charming half-binding (covers covered with pink paper) in contemporary tinted calfskin, smooth spine decorated with gilded cross-stitching, titles and volume numbers in red morocco. "Don Quixote de la Mancha" translated from Spanish. By Michel de Cervantes by Florian; posthumous work with figures. Divided into 6 volumes with each of them a fine figure in frontispiece drawn and engraved by Queverdo, Perdoux. Charming illustration and careful edition for this epic novel translated by Florian from the oldest Spanish work of Michel de Cervantes. Beautiful, very complete copy