" In-folio From 1584: "the Lives Of Illustrious Greek And Roman Men" -plutarch/ Amiot"
A rare book translated from the famous Jacques Amiot, one of the precursors of the "fixation of the French language" by grammatical rules in a period when one wrote according to one's convenience on phonetics, of more than a famous Antique text of Plutarch of Chaeronea in a very beautiful folio volume printed in Paris, at Gilles Beys, rue Saint-Jacques, at Lis blanc. MD LXXXIIII. (1584). Presented in a large folio volume, full sheepskin, ribbed spine decorated in the boxes with gilded iron with fleur-de-lys and thistle flower title light orange morocco; Ex-Libris with the Arms of Royaucourt - Sint Julien; handwritten annotated in black pencil: "Comes from the Library of Mr. Count De Habouville". "The Lives of Illustrious Men, Greeks and Romans, compared with each other by Plutarch of Chaeronea. Translated by M. Jacques Amyot, Counselor to the King, etc. By him revised and corrected in minute passages. With the Lives of Hannibal and Scipio Africanus, translated from Latin into French by Charles de l'Ecluse.