"Baccarat 6 Port Glasses In Richly Cut Crystal - Juvisy Service From The Elysée Palace"
Set of 6 Baccarat crystal port glasses, Juvisy model. The Juvisy service is one of the most famous models of the crystal factory, chosen by Emile Loubet in 1899 to become the official service of the Elysée. This superb decoration created in 1867 for the Universal Exhibition is a masterpiece: it is made up of scales intertwined with each other and yet all identical, without any offset. It is by the perfection of these models (entirely made by hand!) that we can measure the technical supremacy of Baccarat. The feet and bases are cut in a star shape. Old piece, not bearing the Baccarat signature. The model is listed in the many catalogs of tableware from the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. They are in excellent condition; no accidents. Height: 9.8cm Diameter: 4.6cm