Japan Edo period (1603-1868) Shinto shrine.
Steel, wood, iron, silver, lacquer, silk, brass
Length of cutting edge (Nagasa): 32.3 cm
Nakago: 11 cm - Curvature, (Sori): 0.1 cm
Straight hira tsukuri blade, regular straight hamon, gunome yakiba.
Funa Gata (boat hull) Nakago.
Yuo-habaki in silver and brass alloy.
Wooden scabbard (saya), covered with lacquer studded with marine shell chips.
Buffalo horn Koigushi and Kurigata.
Brass Kojiri
Sageo in black silk.
Kogatana with signed blade (remnant of calligraphy), Kozuka with embossed rat motif.
Wooden Tsuka, covered with stingray and woven with midnight-blue cotton.
Fushi kashira in shakudo with lantern motif.
Menuki representing a chest on legs and flowers.
Iron Tsuba naga maru Gata with dragonfly motif, front view with golden eyes on one side and back view on the other.
Brass Seppa Dai.
Good condition.
Item no.: 5287
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON