"Conspectus Médicinae Théoretico-practicae By Johann Juncker, 2nd Edition In Original Part."
Magnificent copy of this large volume in 4 of medicine Halae, Impensis Orphanotrophei. M. DCC. XXIV (1724) from the youth of Louis XV this beautiful copy is the second edition, partly original (1724), of a work published for the first time in 1718 and considered one of the main ones of Johann Juncker (1679-1759), famous German Doctor of the City of Halle, who from 1729 taught Medicine at the University. He was the main propagator of the Doctrine of Stahl. Beautiful full ivory vellum binding of the time smooth spine raised nerves and two-color title. Conspectus Médicinaé théoretico-Practicae, tablus CXXXVII, Omnes primarios morbos méthodo Stahliana. Tractandos, exhibens: secoda vice editus et auctus, cum indice satis locuplete et praefatione Exell Stahlii, consiliarii et archiatri regii, authore: "D. Yoanne Ivsckero, med. Practico orphanotrophei Halensi a book to heal oneself provided you read Latin