Attributed to Rudolphi
France, circa 1850
65 grams
A delightful bracelet in oxidized silver, adorned with a scene of combat between two men in Renaissance attire. The sword of one figure is gilded. The silver casting is exceptionally fine, with exquisite tool detailing.
The technique and style of this bracelet make it comparable to works produced in Rudolphi’s workshop, located at 11 rue du Mail.
Vever, "La Bijouterie Française au XIXème siècle," pp. 190-191 :
"He first exhibited in Paris in 1844, then in 1849. In London in 1851, his success was considerable. The variety of objects he presented was very wide. Among the jewelry pieces proper, the Duke of Luynes noted in his report: a bracelet in oxidized silver depicting the struggle of three children disputing over birds, one of whom is carrying them away; this model, which appeared in the 1900 Centennial Exhibition (cf. illustration), was by M. Leroy (…). Another oxidized silver bracelet was adorned with two cherubs playing among grapevines (…). A small group of two gentlemen in doublets adorned with baroque pearls, dueling with sword and dagger, displayed graceful motion, precise character, and an exceptionally successful design. (…)”