Labels give the vernacular names associated with the scientific names, with (very often) the date of collection.
. Guinea fowl skull (1968 - 61 La Baroche)
. Goose skull (Anser domesticus)
. Turkey skull (Meleagris)
. Duck skull (Anas domesticus, La Baroche sous Lucé)
. Rabbit skull (Lepus domesticus)
. Two muskrat skulls (Fiber zibethicus, 8/65)
. Skull, leg and vertebra of brown rat (Rattus norvegicus, 1968)
. Hamster skull (Cricetus frumentarius, 4/67)
. Mole skull (Talpa europaea, La Haie 8/2/65)
. Ferret skull (Mustela furo, 26/12/64)
. Fox skull, superb dentition (without label)
From an old didactic collection of a former Norman schoolteacher.
The skulls were cleaned naturally - by natural biological degradation underground - as evidenced by the fine remains of residual soil in some of the skulls. Some skulls were varnished afterwards to compensate for their natural fragility or to join the mandible to the skull (probably for fear of mixing the fine bones together).
Very beautiful patina of the whole. The square tray measures 25 cm on each side.
None of these skulls is subject to any CITES protection status and is exempt from any ban on sale in accordance with the regulations. Finally, the date of harvest of the hamster skull predates the Habitat Conservation Council of the European Union Directive of 1992.