"Model Of The Trévarez Castle In Finistère"
MODEL of the Trévarez castle (in wood from the 1950s) is located in the town of Saint-Goazec, in Finistère, Brittany. Built at the end of the 19th century by James de Kerjégu, president of the Finistère general council to accommodate his social contacts, the castle is both an example of the eclectic style, combining Victorian and neo-Gothic styles with Breton decorative elements, and a prototype of the residence equipped with the most recent technological advances of the time: elevator, central heating, running water, electricity ... Its wrought iron door, by Achille Busson, was also exhibited and awarded in 1903 at the Grand Palais in Paris before being installed in the castle. Badly damaged in 1944 by an allied bombing, it has since been bought and enhanced by the Finistère general council. The entire estate has been listed as a historic monument since June 4, 2009. It also received the label, In 2024, the Trévarez estate is in the running for the election of the French people's favorite monument.