With tokubetsu kicho certificates for blade and koshirae
Japan Edo period (1603-1868) late 17th century for the blade.
Steel, wood, ray skin, iron.
Length of cutting edge (Nagasa): 44.4 cm
Nakago: 13 cm - Curvature, (Sori): 1.3 cm
Curved kata shinogi blade, regular straight shank, notare yakiba.
Funa Gata (boat hull) Nakago.
Higo-habaki in silver and brass alloy.
Wooden scabbard (saya), covered with polished and varnished ray skin.
Koigushi and Kurigata in buffalo horn.
Kogatana with signed blade, Kozuka with sword motif.
Wooden Tsuka, covered with stingray and braided with black cotton.
Fushi kashira in alloy, with shi-shi and dragon motif.
Menuki featuring flowers.
Tsuba mokko Gata, in iron, with a fluted motif, and remnants of silver inlays featuring flowers and foliage.
Brass Seppa Dai.
A tokubetsu kicho certificate for the blade.
A tokubetsu kicho certificate for the koshirae.
Good condition.
Reference : 5274
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON