"Leopold Lambert Automaton Jumeau Doll Sgdg"
There are very few automata from the time of Emile Jumeau made by the Léopold Lambert company around 1890. This one represents a little girl drinking tea. The clockwork mechanism, placed in a wooden base, has four movements: two for the arms, one that pours the tea into the cup, one that brings the cup to the mouth, one for the head that turns to the left to look at the teapot and goes back to drink and a fourth movement for the tongue that goes in and out. The key is original. The head and arms are in biscuit Jumeau SGDG n° 4 (a thumb is missing from the right hand) The eyes are in blue sulphide. The clothes are original and faded. The clockwork mechanism is placed in a wooden base, it is in working order but needs to be revised. The automaton measures 42 cm and 51 cm with the base.