This painting by Lorenzo Delleani, titled “Fertilization in November,” is an oil on panel painting measuring 32 x 44.5 cm, made on November 11 (18)97(date given at lower right).
The work, certified by the Lorenzo Delleani stamp on the back and accompanied by labels from Galleria Fogliato and Galleria Aversa, is also documented under No. 1320 with photos in Angelo Dragone's book “La vita, l'opera e il suo tempo.”
Description of the work:
The scene captures a moment of rural life in the fall, highlighting the agricultural practice of manuring. A white horse, sturdy and patiently still, is placed in the center of attention, pulling a loaded wooden wagon. Details of the harness and the horse's musculature are rendered with vigorous painterly touches, reflecting Delleani's skill in depicting daily labor.
Behind the wagon, two human figures, probably peasants, work with measured gestures.
Colors and atmosphere:
Earthy tones: The landscape is dominated by muted greens and browns of the clods of earth, typical of the autumn period. The diffuse gray light of the sky, probably in the morning or dusk, envelops the scene in an atmosphere of industrious stillness.
Rapid brushstrokes: The painting style features energetic and synthetic brushstrokes, typical of Delleani's pictorial language, which lend dynamism and freshness to the scene.