"Decorative Pair Of 18th Century Elements. Castelnaudary Terracotta Plume Roof Punches"
Rare and beautiful pair of roof punches from the middle of the 18th century in the ornamental Baroque style in Castelnaudarie plume, these pieces which are the basic elements and of a beautiful movement are part of elements in three parts: base, central body and point, fitting together when assembled. Presented on generous turned and molded wooden bases with a patinated pink champis, these two remarkable pieces of "Curiosity" have a real decorative interest and if necessary can serve elegantly as bases to present a pair of objects (vases, statues, etc.). This ancestral and quality craftsmanship was specific to the Castelnaudary factory which benefited from a fine and high quality clay rather clear even going towards ochre for certain decorative pieces, lions, seated dogs, sphinxes etc ... Here we are in the architecture and the very neat and virtuoso finishing elements, allowed all the fantasies; these pieces illustrate well the Baroque Art of the reign of Louis XV, full of strength and elegance, with patina of time and nevertheless complete and well presented of a rare conservation (the cooked clay becoming porous by time the water and the sun combining their action ... Two beautiful pieces forming a decorative pair for a piece of furniture, a console or quite simply a mantelpiece