Set of 3 original sketches in black pencil and small highlights of white gouache on a cream paper placemat with embossed patterns, titled at the bottom left "Chez Augiat" and stamp of the "Atelier Ary Bitter" affixed at the bottom right, presented in a modern gilded frame, (NB: the glass of the latter will be removed for postal shipment to avoid any accident, it is a standard glass of 400 x 300 mm).
Very good condition.
3 original free sketches depicting a faun struggling with a young woman.
"Ary Jean Léon Bitter, born in Marseille on May 29, 1883 and died on June 14, 1973 in Paris, French sculptor and designer. Member of the Society of French Artists, student of Jules Coutan, Ary Bitter won a silver medal at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1921 then the gold medal in 1924 before being classified hors-competit. In 1939, he received a commission from the FNAC for three small bronze gargoyles intended for the water outlets of the base of a monumental fountain in Pithiviers. Two of his sculptures (The Sun and the Sea and The World and Energy, also known as the Two Lions) adorn the monumental staircase of the Marseille-Saint-Charles train station. According to Edouard-Joseph, the Luxembourg Museum owned a stone statue of Diana by him. The work seems to be lost today but the Musée de la Piscine in Roubaix has a Diana Huntress who could correspond to this statue" (Wikipedia).