The shape of the cast brass handle is very evocative of the models found at the time of the Directory and the Consulate in France and Italy. The decoration of thunderbolts on the cross guard corresponds well to this period (or even of course to the Empire time), as does the shape of the chape of th escabbard, so we can place the weapon in the first quarter of the 19th century.
The very richly etched decorated blade gives us a particular indication since we see a representation of Saint George on horseback killing the dragon, and a classic trophy of arms, both on a profusion of plant motifs. It is therefore quite logical to connect this sword to the Sacred and Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, which was active at the time mentioned (Duchy of Parma and Kingdom of the Two Sicilies).
On the portraits of the grand masters of the Order, the hilts of the weapons are hidden by the clothes, so it is not possible to formally conclude based on a precise pictorial representation, but nevertheless this hypothesis remains the most probable. The description will be brief, the images being telling all.
BLADE = It is massive, with 2 edges, and has on each side a double groove richly decorated with etching of plant motifs. On the external face, representation of Saint George on horseback killing the dragon, and trophy of arms. Length of the blade = 80 cm, width at the ricasso = 4 cm, thickness at the ricasso 6.5 mm
. MOUNTING: Hilt is in one single piece with a rectangular cross decorated with lightning bolts, a spiral grip, and an antique fashion style pommel.
SCABBARD: it is made of sewn leather with a brass mouth bearing an antique style lion's head as attachment button, which allowed it to be worn on a baldric, and a brass chape showing a typical shape of the period.
This scabbard is of relatively simple design, it is obvious that it is not a presentation scabbard, but a simple accessory allowing the sword to be worn.
During a ceremony, the sword was probably worn out of its scabbard, blade upwards, probably by a dignitary.
Ref D-2468
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