Jean Mazuet (1908 - 1984) introduced to sculpture by the Briochin Elie Le Goff, Jean Mazuet studied in Rennes with Bourget, then in Paris in the studio of Landowski. Silver medalist at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1933, he joined the Seiz-Breur group in 1934, the year he joined the Société des Artistes Français. With Marcel Le Louët, he created the famous "symbolic column" which decorated the entrance to the Brittany pavilion at the 1937 exhibition. After the war, professor of sculpture at the Nantes Fine Arts, he created a number of commemorative monuments and large bas-reliefs for churches in Loire-Atlantique. He also produced models for Quimper earthenware factories for groups or vases decorated with figures to be reproduced in ceramic by molding. These pieces are the logical continuation of the "symbolic column" of 1937. Works where relief prevails, the aim is to symbolize in a strong theme "Armor", "Argoat" or even Breton youth.