With a box for matches on top...
And a pyrogen as a lid...
Who has as a lid under the cover a pyrogen...
And underneath a small compartment to put the matches...
It's like a double bottom box...!
In solid silver vermeil (gold on silver)...
Checked with crab hallmarks...
That is 800/1000...
FRENCH goldsmithing...
Unfortunately the goldsmith's hallmark is illegible...
And on all sides of the decorations...
Engravings in the mass...
Of flowers and leaves...
With black enamel...
It is niillé...
Even the sides are niillé in the curves...
Which is a technical feat...
From the 19th century, around 1850/60...
In perfect condition...
All the hinges are functional...
As well as the push button...
When you open the case, the pyrogen box opens offset...
A very beautiful display object...
The two compartments each have a flap...
With openwork and small springs...
Weight ...155 gr