The Mud Thrower
Hopi Indians, Arizona
Circa 1940
Cottonwood, pigments, wool and vegetable fibres
H. 23 cm, W 9 cm
(accidents and restorations)
Monoxyle wooden doll featuring a conical helmet mask with polychrome pigmentation, two tufts of natural fibres at the temples and a top tuft, decorated with coloured woollen threads. The mask has a green burr. He was holding mud in one hand and a stick with a ball of clay in the other.
Chöqapölö sprinkled mud over the participants.
Kachina dolls were given to the children at the end of the ceremonial dances. They would take them home and hang them on the wall, enabling them to learn about the pantheon of divinities.
Reference H. S. Colton, Hopi Kachina Dolls, N°8.
Provenance: Former private collection in Paris, France.
Text and photos © FCP CORIDON
Ref : 5314