Important planter in earthenware of Montigny-sur-Loing decorated with painted flowers (so-called « à la barbotine ») inserted in a blanc and gilded bronze mount. The planter relies on a base with four elephants’ heads feet and is surmounted by a large bronze top with oriental patterns and handles.
Initials marked under the planter probably refer to Georges Schopin, brother of the founder of the Montigny-sur-Loing manufacture, and himself painter-decorator.
Louis-Eugène Schopin, a ceramic artist, first settled a furnace in Montigny-sur-Loing in September 1872, and specialized in flowers relief decoration (so-called « à la barbotine »). He was at the head of a great manufacture in 1877, and obtained a Silver Medal at the UNiversal Exhibition in 1878. Pieces from Montigny-sur-Loing Manufacture are marked with M.s.L., and often accompanied with the painter’s initials, like Georges Schopin, brother of Louis-Eugène. Then, in 1885, Schopin transfer the manufacture to one of his collaborator Person, then Jean Cachier (1887), and last Georges Delvaux (1890), who registered the marks in 1898.