The equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius (Equus Marci Aurelii Antonini) is an ancient Roman sculpture
The original statue of Marcus Aurelius from the 2nd century is in the Capitoline Museums, Rome.
The emperor is bareheaded, dressed in a tunic and a heavy commander's cloak, called a paludamentum, which is fixed on the right shoulder with a disc pin. On his feet he does not wear patrician shoes, but light military sandals. Stirrups are not present: in Roman times they were not in use in the West; the rider sits on a saddle cloth decorated with fabric or felt. His right hand is in the adlocutio gesture, typical of commanders speaking to their soldiers. His left hand, which held the long-lost reins, wears the senator's gold ring, used for sealing.
Marble base called "Peacock Eye or Sagario marble", slightly chipped under the base of the XIX century
Collector's piece, Rome, late eighteenth