Accidents, to be restored
Natural wood frame (worm holes)
frame: 29cm x 27cm Terracotta: 21cm x 19cm
The names "ANNIBAL", "KAROLUS-MAGNUS IMP" (Charlemagne emperor) and "BONAPARTE" are engraved in the stone on the lower part. Bonaparte skillfully links his destiny to the glorious past of these two great men who crossed the Alps before him. The three names are engraved differently, they each bear the wear of their time. Thus we can barely make out the name "ANNIBAL" (Carthaginian strategist in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC) and we can slightly glimpse the name of Charlemagne (Emperor of the West in the 9th century). The name "BONAPARTE" is in a good place, engraved very clearly above the other two.