19th century. It is a pleasant still life, representing a branch of small rose flowers of various colours
resting elegantly and ready to be picked in a vase.
This floral oil painting on canvas is signed at the bottom, but the signature cannot be deciphered.
However, it is a painting of the French school by a French painter active in the 19th century.
The oil painting adorns a gilded frame.
The oil painting and the frame are carefully and professionally restored.
So, we can consider this Antique Flower Painting, Branch of Small Rose Flowers,
Still Life, Oil On Canvas, 19th Century a beautifull painting of flowers.
Collezione Bisgart
Canvas size: 48,5 x 21,5 cm
Size with frame: 64 x 38 cm
Depth: 5.5 cm
Weight: 2.4 Kg
Restored Painting | French Origin | 19th Century | French Antiquity | Art Nouveau