" I V. Historical Researches On The Knowledge Of The Ancients Of India By Robertson 1792"
A rare book on India during the Revolutionary period in a large volume in 8vo, full sheepskin smooth spine decorated with gilded iron, orange morocco title, marbled guards, yellowed edges, fine copy of "Historical Research on the knowledge that the Ancients had of India, and on the progress of Trade with this part of the World before the discovery of the passage through the Cape of Good Hope; Followed by an appendix containing observations on civil status, laws and legal formalities, the arts, sciences, and religious institutions of the Indians. Translated from the English by W. Robertson, Doctor of Theology, member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, principal of the University, and Historio-geographical of His MB for Scotland with two large (folding) maps in intaglio. In Paris at Buisson, rue Haute-Feuille, No. 20. 1792.