The works depicted belong to Omar Ronda's “Frozen” series, a collection that explores the concept of “freezing” moments, natural and symbolic elements in time through unique artistic techniques.
Each piece is characterized by the inclusion of organic elements, such as leaves, branches, ferns or starfish, placed in an abstract composition of bright and contrasting colors.
The “Frozen” technique involves the use of translucent materials, which give depth and the impression that the objects are trapped or suspended in an eternal present.
The colors range from red, blue, yellow, purple and green, in shades that evoke a fusion of energy and calm.
The use of natural elements such as leaves or starfish suggests a dialogue between nature and time, emphasizing the ephemeral aspect of existence and the desire to preserve its beauty.
Provenance: Artist's House
Measurements: 49.5 x 49.5 cm.