"Senac De Meilhan (gabriel) - On The Government, Customs, And Conditions In France. 1795."
SENAC DE MEILHAN (Gabriel) - On the government, customs, and conditions in France before the revolution; with The character of the principal figures of the reign of Louis XVI. Hamburg, Benjamin Gottlob Hoffman, 1795; in-8, II-216 pp., 19th century half-brown shagreen binding, spine with 5 raised bands, head painted in red. The 2 volumes. Gabriel Sénac de Meilhan, born in 1736 in Versailles and died in 1803 in Vienna, was a French administrator and writer. He was an intendant in Valenciennes. In 1794, he settled in Hamburg, where he met Klopstock. In 1795, he published On the government of customs and conditions in France before the revolution in Hamburg, as well as two volumes of his philosophical and literary works. Thanks to the intervention of the Prince de Ligne, with whom he became friends, he was able to settle in Vienna. In 1797, his epistolary novel, L'Émigré, was published in Brunswick. This text deals with the court during the French Revolution, and Senac de Meilhan also settles some scores with Necker, whose rival he was to become Comptroller General of Finances in 1785.