"Beautiful 17th Century Framed Painting Representing An Animated Landscape, Oil On Panel Fc. J. Wynants 1661"
Exceptional and rare well framed painting from the 17th century by the famous painter J. Winants signed and dated by his hand 1661. This remarkable oil on wood is of incredible finesse and teeming with details, a work by the Dutch painter of the Baroque period, youth of Louis XIV, well known "J. Winants (signed on the back and label and collection number for this pretty landscape animated by a shepherd and his flock on the slopes of a cliff very detailed with trees and vegetation painted with small touches of a striking detail at the bottom a path and the traveler on horseback evolves following his trail preceded by a character on foot and with his back to us in a descent bathed in light; in the distance a magnificent haying of hills in the intense light of a bright sky although embellished with small clouds. A beautiful clean painting with beautiful glaze done brilliantly and presented in a pretty frame of the time with keys and wooden ears patinated gold with a beautiful luminous marie-louise painted soft green with golden edge,. A museum piece can enter your home and accompany you part of the way for your greatest pleasure, very competitive price for a work of this painter referenced for an oak panel in good condition of a mastered painting in a pretty frame