Claude Schürr was born in Paris in 1921 and died in Cannes in 2014
He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1938 to 1942, taught at the Académie Ranson and at the École des Arts et Métiers in Paris
He exhibited in various salons in Paris such as the Salon d'Automne, des Indépendants, des Tuileries, the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts...
In 1948, he won the Prix Antral and in 1950 the Grand Prix National des Arts
This large oil on canvas differs from the style of Claude Schürr who usually uses bright colors in his compositions
This painting representing a bridge at Bougival was probably painted around 1955
Annotated on the back of the frame : "Pont à Bougival"
Claude Schürr, 24 rue .... Neuilly
Bears a paper label with the number "116"
Very good general condition, note : a very small lack of paint measuring 5 mm by 3 mm at water level