"Photography Bernard Darot Afiap XXth Photo Club Nantais Autumn"
Regarding the condition, note that the photo is peeling in the corners and that there is wear on the edges and corners, small tears on the left and bottom, traces of handling and small black dots, dirt. The photo is glued to cardboard support. Signature on the back: Bernard Darot, Automne. Bernard Darot, born in Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine) on October 31, 1934, student of Louis Arretche, admitted to 2nd class on July 10, 1957, mention in project submitted and Prix des Anciens in October 1958, 1st class on December 13, 1960, Second Medal at the Concours Bourgeois et Godeboeuf on December 5, 1961, graduated on June 16, 1965. We have other photos from the same source in our shop. Our many photos allow you to appreciate the quality of this photo. For the condition, please detail the photos. Do not hesitate to zoom. The photos are an integral part of the description. Dimensions: Height: 30.5 cm Width: 40.4 cm A4991