"Art Of Islam: 19th Century Nomad Uzbek Cradle"
There is the same at the Louvre: Title: Department of Islamic art, date: 19th to early 20th century, Origin Iranian world, Caucasus, civil domestic object materials wood curved wood, polychrome turned wood. A similar cradle is presented on eBay, the translation is in English and German. and on Etsy ... Very decorative domestic object, witnesses of domestic uses and practices of early childhood. The newborn was swaddled, a system adapted to little girls differed from that of little boys for the evacuation of urine, under the furniture. See the report: trains like no other in Uzbekisthan (or Turkmenistan) where the practices still persist a little. In use among Uzbek nomads. This old copy has old scars on the curved wood and one of the rocking pads needs to be replaced. (simple) Very beautiful original polychromy. (95x50x40 cm). Shipping will be done by carrier, price to be determined depending on the location, thank you.