"Still Life With Fruit And Stoneware Pitcher Signed J. Caron Delicate Oil On Wood Framed 19th"
A delicate work by the painter Jules Caron, this remarkable oil on wood, representing a plate of fresh and dried fruits, accompanied by an ornamented blue stoneware pitcher; a painting of a precision and sensitivity specific to this well-known and recognized artist whose work with sustained dimensions is in museums. The soft light on the fruits and the effects on the pitcher, treated with great mastery in a smooth and virtuoso painting, this work of the artist's favorite size is produced on a beautiful healthy panel to paint and in its original frame with the artist's cartouche in the museum style; we will note the duality between the dried fruits, nuts and dates with vaporous branches and the luminous apples, generous to bite into; in short, a painting by a master of Barbisonian painting