"Louis XVI Polish Bed With Detached Columns."
Polish bed from the Louis XVI period with detached columns. This sumptuous bed is a work dating from the last quarter of the 18th century, from the Louis XVI period, made of walnut, it is richly carved, it presents a neoclassical architecture and ornamentation such as columns, heart stripe, fluting and long water leaves, gadroons, pearls and fusarolles, rosettes, striated rows as well as beautiful finely carved plumes. Able to be placed at any point, this bed is finished on all its sides, it consists of a bed with a bedside table of equal height, finished with a pediment shape, supported on either side by detached columns resting on turned feet of a sheathed shape with ring. The two bedside tables are connected by molded crosspieces assembled with the original lag screws, this set receives the box spring and the mattress. 4 steel bars are placed in the uprights of the bedside tables and support the rectangular canopy which is molded into a cornice with a sculpted band. The interior of the canopy is hollowed out in the middle with an oval shape. The whole is finished with 4 large plumes assembled on the bed canopy. Completely revised in order to be able to be used, this bed is furnished with a beautiful Indian accompanied by its fringed curtains, valance, bedspread and pompom, the bed base is recent, the mattress, fabrics and trimmings are new. Our opinion: this bed is a beautiful piece of carpentry which presents a beautiful work of sculpture, with a most appreciable neoclassical ornamentation, it is also a period model, interesting with its detached columns and its pediment bedside tables, the walnut wood used is also a quality factor, the sleeping dimensions of 120 x 190 cm make it a completely usable bed which is also offered to you entirely finished, for a most decorative effect. Dimensions: Total height: 300 cm Total width: 131 cm Total length: 203 cm Bedside height: 132 cm Bed height: 75 cm Bed dimensions: 190 x 120 cm