Missale romano moguntium, ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum S. PII V. Pontificis Maximi jussu editum, Clementis VIII. & Urbani VIII.. D. Philippi Caroli s. sedis moguntinae archi - episcopi.. moguntiae, sumptibus camerae electoralis moguntinae. Typis joh. henrici haeffner, typogr. et bibliop. elector. aulico - academici. Anno Domini 1742.
Text printed entirely in red and black with delicate lettering and engraved headpieces. Illustrated frontispiece, a fine portrait of the dedicatee (in mezzotint), and 8 full-page engravings depicting the life of Christ, each framed with elaborate Baroque decorations. All finely engraved on copper. Beautiful contemporary full leather binding, richly decorated in gilt. Spine with raised bands, marbled endpapers, and gilt edges.
Folio (15,91x9,84in), pp. (68) 588, cv (7) (4) 36 + total posthumous supplements
Private collection
Some spotting, general wear.