"Large Enlarged Photo Print Of The Queen Elizabeth In New York Harbor, By Andreas Feininger "
Well presented in a sturdy red-brown molded frame with wide rounded molding, this remarkable very large print is presented under glass with a mat. The Magnificent "Queen Elizabeth" (of the Cunard Company) arriving in the Port of New York from an original photograph by Andreas Feininger taken in 1958, a magnificent photo where we see in the background the Chrisler Building (1930, William Van Alen), on the left, the Chanin Building (1929, Sloan & Robertson) and 500 Fifth Avenue (1931, Shreve Lamb & Harmon) on the right.... The Picture Collection LLC. LIFE is a trademark of TI Gootham Inc. Andreas Feininger born in Paris on December 27, 1906 - died in New York on February 18, 1999 was an American Photographer who was part of the Staff, he had worked for many years for the LIF Magazine. His talent is recognized. We see it in this sumptuous large painting full of magic and in very good condition....