Ernst LEITZ, Wetzlar, Germany
19th century
Brass, iron
H. 40 cm
Horizontal brass microscope, signed ‘Ernst Leitz Wetzlar’ and numbered ‘N°241649’.
It consists of a microscope tube placed horizontally on a long extendable column, supported in turn by a tripod fitted with levelling screws. The vertical column is extended by two sliding movements, the first, controlled by an adjusting screw only, being intended for the coarsest adjustments, the second, controlled by a rack and pinion, for the finest adjustments. A millimetre scale and vernier are used to indicate the degrees of the various movements, so that the microscope tube can be moved vertically by 1/10 mm.
The microscope tube rotates on a horizontal disc. The objective, made up of two separable doublets, allows three degrees of magnification’.
Microscopes and Accessory Apparatus - Catalogue N°40
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