"Jewelry Cabinet Four Drawers On The Front Plus One Concealed In Its Center In Marquetry 20th Century"
Beautiful cabinet from the 1950s imitating 17th century jewelry cabinets in various marquetry, ivory, rosewood, blond maple, faux tortoiseshell, mother-of-pearl, with frame pattern, front with four drawers with removable front in its center releasing a lock. The matching button in its center in tortoiseshell style allows you to lock or simply move the drawers, simple in the upper part and with a stepped complication for the two at the bottom, these revealing a theater facade with ballusters and arch of a secret drawer covered in black velvet like the two upper ones. In the 17th century style and carefully made in keeping with the period with the frame patterns on the top and on the sides and whose center of the protruding beveled drawers offer a beautiful facade richly decorated with ivory, mother-of-pearl and faux tortoiseshell and blackened pear wood. A beautiful piece of useful decoration, a curiosity in the classic spirit of quality with strong decorative power while respecting the work of the elders, I think of a small masterpiece of a Companion cabinetmaker from the beginning of the 20th century, well made and playing the game to perfection. A truly beautiful piece at an affordable price... A good idea to offer to a young flirt, this piece is intended directly for her... Put away all the jewelry and hide the words of love in its center, happy Valentine's Day!!!!!