A solid and strict drawing, the influence of the old masters but a very personal use of color for this oil on canvas by the painter Robert Vernet-Bonfort. The work is offered in a modern black and gold frame, American box type which measures 46 cm by 54 cm and 38 cm by 46 cm for the canvas alone.
In its good original condition, the work is signed lower right, countersigned and titled "lavenders in the Alpilles" on the back.
Born in Marseille, a student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in his hometown from 1948 to 1957, he won numerous awards there. Selected at the Salon des Peintres Témoins de leur Temps and the Biennale internationale de Menton, he won the Grand Prix de la Fondation Elisabeth T Greenshield in Montreal (Canada). Although he exhibits little in Marseille, Vernet-Bonfort has shown his works in France and abroad, particularly in England, the United States and Canada.
As a colorist, he remains attached to a classical vision. Original.
Musée Denys-Puech: Old house in Lambesc (1962)