Abstract composition.
Oil on canvas signed, dated 1971 lower right, countersigned and dated on the back.
130 x 97 cm
Certificate of authenticity.
Abdellatif ALA EL DIN known as Aldine is a Franco-Egyptian painter and sculptor born in Cairo in 1917 and died in 1992.
Aldine comes from a cultured Egyptian family. He undertook studies in physics and chemistry at the Sorbonne and embarked on a scientific career. In the mid-1940s, his meeting with the art critic Michel Ragon proved decisive and he indulged more and more in his passion for painting and the visual arts. In 1953, he moved to France, where he was appointed cultural attaché at the Egyptian Embassy in Paris, then Director of the Education Office and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO. He devoted himself solely to painting from the end of the 1950s. A member of the second school of Paris, he worked in Montparnasse, where he had his studio. Soon, he began to sculpt as well as paint. One of his notable works, the Man from Hiroshima, appears in numerous exhibitions in France and abroad. Aldine oscillated for a long time between figurative and abstraction to develop at the end of his life an almost exclusively abstract expression, but whose titles refer to concrete and often mystical or fantastic subjects (The Crucified, The Templars). The artist then uses bold lines drawn with large brush strokes, with a preference for curvilinear contours. It successively explores the themes of Nebulae, Stelae then Whirlwinds.
His works are present in the collections of Beaubourg, the MNAM and the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Lille, as well as in the collections of the Aga Khan.