Epreuve originale réalisée en 1851. Gauttier Duparc lithographe.
Coloris aquarelle.
Très bon état.
Format feuille : 29 x 21 cm.
Original antique chart of 1851.
Carte marine très détaillée illustrant les reliefs, relevés des profondeurs, boussoles, échelle des lieux.
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Pierre Henri Gauttier Duparc (1772 – 1850) était un officier et amiral de la marine française. Il commanda la Chevrette en 1819 lors des voyages de Jules Dumont d’Urville.
Located on the northern coast of the island of Corsica. Original proof made in 1851. Gauttier Duparc lithographer. Watercolor coloring. Very good condition. Sheet size: 29 x 21 cm. Original antique chart of 1851. Very detailed nautical chart illustrating reliefs, depth measurements, compasses, scale of places. You can view all the maps and engravings available in your region by clicking on the link to our website specializing in old geographical archives: https://cartes-livres-anciens.com/categorie-produit/cartes-geographiques-anciennes-original-antique-maps/france/corse/ Secure payment by credit card on our website by clicking on the link: https://cartes-livres-anciens.com/produit/cartes-geographiques-anciennes-original-antique-maps/france/corse/plan-ancien-du-golfe-de-st-florent-corse/ All our maps and engravings are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Pierre Henri Gauttier Duparc (1772 – 1850) was an officer and admiral of the French Navy. He commanded the Chevrette in 1819 during the voyages of Jules Dumont d'Urville.