"Marine Compass In Brass Box, Paper Interior, By John Robbins London, 17th Century"
Pretty round box from turned bronze or brass, well sealed, closing with screw, containing a pretty compass under glass, watercolored paper, magnetic needle in cross, fleur de lys. Glued in lid, (it has suffered) a compass rose, engraved, with on centre the signature of John Robbins, London. This name is very common, many famous and contemporary men made a screen on my research, but I finally found, on Harvard scientific museum, a compass approaching compared to printed paper, which places it in time: compass sundial, Date:1635-1660, Inventory Number: 7244 Maker: John Robins ? (mid-17th century)
Dimensions: 62mm x 24mm. Weight: 100g.
Good general condition, wear of use, scratches on paper of compass rose.
This item is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic – antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.