"Archives And Documents Of Jean François Desthieux=françois Jean-desthieux Writer Poet XXth"
Important collection of archives, letters and handwritten and printed documents of Jean François Desthieux, known as François Jean-Desthieux. Marie Jean François Desthieux, known as François Jean-Desthieux, is a French writer and poet born in Saint-Étienne on July 17, 1895, died in Montpellier on February 3, 1944. He is the son of Colonel Charles Desthieux and Jeanne Bertrand (1873-1956), brother of frigate captain Raymond Desthieux, and first cousin of Henri Guitton and Jean Guitton. Founder of the Mediterranean Academy and the magazine Heures perdues, he was a journalist at L'Intransigeant, Le Figaro, Nouvelles littéraires, Mercure de France, etc. He was the student and friend of Charles-Brun who introduced him to poetry and introduced him to Renée Vivien, to the Félibrige and to regionalism, to Jean Royère, to André Lebey, to Georges Lecomte, perpetual secretary of the Académie française, to Edmond Haraucourt, to André Thérive, to Panaït Istrati, to Louis Pergaud, etc. At his death, André Thérive wrote: "Jean Desthieux, gifted with a great talent as a journalist, had not disdained to turn to the polygraph... He had a remarkable gift as a conversationalist, a lecturer and even an orator. He also leaves behind several curious novels and numerous poems... Above all, he had a cult of friendship despite human respects, ironies, bitterness." Prix Montyon (1929 and 1942), Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (1933)