"In A Jansenist Binding "memoirs Of Marguerite De Valois", 1 Vol. In 12? In The Hague. 1715"
Rare and interesting Memoirs of "Margurite de Valois", known as Queen Margot, Queen of France and Navarre (wife of Henry IV) book published in the last year of the Reign of Louis XIV. A large volume in 12 in glazed calf, ribbed spine, sober binding without artifice and without gilt irons, Havana morocco title, pinked edges. Bookplate with Arms and handwritten commentary concerning the too singular Historical character, two-tone title. Printed in The Hague by Adrien Moetjens, Merchant Bookseller, near the Court, at the Librairie Française. M. EDCC. XV. (1715). . A portrait in frontispiece for this Work in two Works including the Fortue de la Cour bound in the suite also studied with a handwritten paper. This copy having belonged to a passionate scholar of this period. The "Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois", Queen of France and Navarre. To which have been added her Eulogy, that of Mr. De Bussy, & the "Fortune of the Court".. A beautiful, complete and very instructive copy for a sulphurous character... The Separated Wife of King Henry IV;;; with Loose Morals