"Large Wooden Church Lectern "eagle" Louis XIV Period"
Large church lectern from the Louis XIV period, late 17th century, with the eagle of Saint John recalling the gospels: they are then called eagle lecterns. This eagle, a figure of the apostle closest to Jesus, is the sign of the fight between good and evil, of contemplation, of eternal realities and the symbol of tolerance. It also carries within it the image of speed, of the propagation of the divine word. The eagle holds a globe in its claws, a mark of the universal sovereignty of the Christian faith. The three feet, recalling the trinity, are in the shape of animal paws, this time evoking the lion, the animal symbol of Saint Mark and referring to the resurrection and the power of faith. It is in good condition. Usual restoration. Height: 2 m. Wing width 0.70 m. Bottom widths: 0.90 and 0.95 m. Please contact me for delivery terms.