Coloris anciens.
Oxydation ancienne de 1 centimètre dans le haut de la marge supérieure, loin du sujet.
Bon état.
Format feuille : 51,5 x 38,5 cm.
Format gravure : 41 x 32 cm.
Original antique map of 1777
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Antonio Zatta (fl. 1757-1797) était un éditeur, cartographe et éditeur italien de premier plan. On sait peu de choses sur sa vie au-delà de ses nombreuses œuvres publiées qui ont survécu.
Il est possible qu’il soit né dès 1722 et ait vécu jusqu’à 1804. Il a vécu à Venise et son travail a prospéré entre 1757 et 1797. Il est surtout connu pour ses cartes et son atlas, Atlante Novissimo (1779-1785), et pour sa production prolifique d’imprimés et de livres à la fois précis et esthétiques. Zatta disposait clairement d’un vaste réseau d’où puiser des informations; c’est ainsi qu’il a pu publier le premier aperçu des îles visitées par le capitaine Cook dans l’Atlante Novissimo. Zatta a également publié des livres de pièces de théâtre et d’architecture.
Original proof made in 1777. Antonio Zatta cartographer. Old colors. Old oxidation of 1 centimeter in the top of the upper margin, far from the subject. Good condition. Sheet size: 51.5 x 38.5 cm. Engraving size: 41 x 32 cm. Original antique map of 1777 You can view all the maps, books and engravings available in your region by clicking on the link to our website specializing in old geographical archives: Secure payment by credit card on our website by clicking on the link below: All our maps and engravings are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Antonio Zatta (fl. 1757-1797) was a leading Italian publisher, cartographer and editor. Little is known about his life beyond his many published works that have survived. He may have been born as early as 1722 and lived until 1804. He lived in Venice and his work flourished between 1757 and 1797. He is best known for his maps and atlas, Atlante Novissimo (1779–85), and for his prolific output of accurate and aesthetically pleasing printed works and books. Zatta clearly had a vast network from which to draw information; he was able to publish the first survey of the islands visited by Captain Cook in the Atlante Novissimo. Zatta also published books of plays and architecture.