"Terrestrial Globe World Map Geographer Forest Girard Barrère Paris Wood 20th"
Terrestrial globe or world map, drawn up by the geographer J. Forest*, Girard et Barrère Publishers Suppliers to the Ministry of Public Instruction - 17 19 rue de Buci in Paris, scale 1/ 65,000,000, blackened wooden base, from the early 20th century. This globe is in good condition. It is signed on the side. Please note: small accident on the globe see red arrow, slight stains and yellowing, wear and tear, see photos (see red arrows). * Joseph Forest (1865-?) is a French geographer and cartographer. In 1886, he founded his publishing house for maps and plans, world maps, globes, terrestrial and celestial spheres, tables and wall maps for education at 17-19, rue de Buci in Paris and remained at 1, place du 13 octobre in Bagneux. Supplier of schools since 1889 and approved by the Ministry of Public Instruction, he also offered a globe lighter in his catalog. Appointed advisor of foreign trade of France in 1912, whose work he regularly followed, he will be reappointed in this function in 1922. Diameter: 19.5 cm / foot 14 cm Height: 41cm Reference: F30 1209 All the photos are on: www.antiques-delaval.com