"Rare Set Of Numerous Pieces Brought Together In One Vol.in8, On The Wheat Trade From 1754 To 1769"
A rare and historical piece, this volume in 8; full speckled calf, ribbed spine, gilt irons in the boxes, red morocco title, marbled guards, red edges. Printed in 1754 "Arrest of the King's Council of State", 'Declarations', "Edits" "Extract from the Registers of Parliament"; "Letters from the Parliament sitting in Rouen, to the King (1764) on the subject of the Edict of His Majesty, given in Compiègne in the month of July 1764, concerning the freedom of the exit and entry of Grain into the Kingdom, Letter from the Chamber of Vacations of the Parliament of Normandy to the King of Saturday, October 15, 1768? Very humble and very respectful Remonstrances from the Chamber of Vacations of the Parliament sitting in Rouen 1768? Letters from the Parliament of Provence to the King on the Trade in Grain (1768), Supplications from the States of the Province of Languedoc to the King on the Trade in Grain (1768), Memoir on the Trade in Grain in Amsterdam and can be found in Paris at the Veuve Pierres, Bookseller rue Saint-Jacques M. DCC. LXIX.