Beautiful object, a toy for pampered child, a model from iron and cast iron stove, like a large one, all doors, grills, oven, ashtray, top of the piano are functional, complete and without dflaw, apart from the fact that they have not been used for several generations....
This type of small stove was sometimes also used to decide customers to take a large one, we saw them at pmeriod in the windows of chimney sweeps or "department stores"
This model does not seem to be listed in the documentation, it is distinguished by this brass crescent opening or half-opening the oven door, and these small consoles: busts of Marianne.
There is no visible mark.
French toy, cast iron, mid or late 19th century
Good dimensions, 34cm x 21cm x 28cm and 63 cm H with chimney. Weight: 6.5kg
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- eclectic - antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.