Beautiful collector's lock, incomplete, (I would have really liked to find the key), but let's talk rather about what has come down to us:
Beautiful large steel box, openwork internal plaque with a cornucopia and interlacing, revealing the barrel, eight-pointed cross profile, on centre an axis of same reduced cross. Opening this plaque, we see the beautiful arrangement of this complicated lock, which closes four latches by pull latch, by rotating button, by key.
facade, sober, polished steel of quality is Louis XVI, strict and geometric, but the fasteners are still fleur-de-lys.
a beautiful model, we will easily obtain a beautiful polished patina.
26cm x 18cm x 6cm. weight: 2.25kg
This item is for immediate purchase, payable by credit card or paypal.
- eclectic – antique dealers since 1970, Siret: FR 24.430113233. Invoice and Certificate are attached to each of our shipments.